Course Syllabus

Mrs. Chiasson

4th grade


Eureka Math

  Math workbooks will be provided per topic. Students will be given the workbooks as we cover the topics. Students are responsible for bringing the workbook to class daily. It is highly suggested that the completed workbooks are kept at home to review skills for state testing.


  One homework task will be given at the beginning of the week. It is due the last school day of the week.

Students may finish homework task in class as one of their early finisher choices. If students are absent the day it is due, it must be turned in the day they return to get credit. It can also be turned in right before. Homework is checked for completion, not accuracy.



  Blue math folders will be used to organize homework calendars, weekly homework task, and additional worksheets. I will allow students to empty folders as we finish content. Please do not throw items away.

Green Check daily for important information provided by the school. 

Red Test folder will be sent home on Wednesday. Please sign the signature sheet and return all test.


100%-93% A

92%-85% B

84%-75% C

74%-67% D

66%-0% F

- 90% tests (6 grades minimum including mid module & end of module tests) 

- 10% homework & participation (HW task is due on Fridays.)

Stay in Touch!

Class DoJo allows you to follow you child’s weekly progress score. Reminders are also posted often for you to read. Print outs are sent home with test papers on Wednesdays.

Class webpage Homework sheets are posted weekly on Mondays. The sheets can also be found in your child’s blue folder.

Conference Time:

9:30 10:25

[email protected]