Course Syllablus

Welcome to Ms. Deroche’s 4th Grade Math Class

A Note to Families

 Welcome to Gramercy Elementary! We have incredibly high academic and behavioral expectations for our students and hope that you do, too! We truly believe that it takes a village to raise a child. Therefore, we hope that you will view your child’s teacher as a partner in his or her education and know that we ALWAYS have your child’s best interest at heart. At Gramercy, we do not hesitate to call parents for updates about your child’s day, news or just to say “hello.” We want to work with you, so please keep us informed if there is ever a special tip or information you would like to share with us about your child. After all, nobody knows him or her better than you do! If you need to contact me, feel free to do so by phone call or email, (258-4800) or ([email protected]).


Thank you for your support, and I look forward to an amazing year!




One homework task will be given at the beginning of the week. It is due the last school day of the week. Students may finish homework task in class as one of their early finisher choices. If students are absent the day it is due, it must be turned in the day they return to get credit. It can also be turned in right before. Homework is checked for completion, not accuracy.

If homework or a test changes during the week, I will write it on the students homework sheet and initial it. I will also make sure to contact parents through Class Dojo. Homework and Test Dates will be written on the board every day for students to refer to.  Homework and Test Dates will also be posted on my webpage on the Gramercy site.



Grades will be calculated by POINTS.  On the student’s test, you will see the letter grade, percent, and a fraction which will show how many points the student got right out of how much the test is worth. (EX. 18/20 = 90% B) Below is the calculation of the assignments for each subject area. Grades can include Tests and Homework/Participation.

Grading Scale

100% - 93% A

92% - 85%   B

84% - 75%   C

74% - 67%   D

66% - 0%    F



Weekly Math Test: 90% and Participation/Homework: 10%

The grade will consist of two categories: Math Assessments: 90% and Participation/Homework Category: 10%.


Eureka Math is the curriculum that students will be taught this year. The following modules will be covered:


1. Place Value, Rounding, and Algorithms for Addition and Subtraction

2. Unit Conversions and Problem Solving with Metric

3. Measurement

4. Multi-Digit Multiplication and Division

5. Angle Measure and Plane Figures Fraction Equivalence, Ordering, and Operations

6. Decimal Fractions

7. Exploring Multiplication


90% Math Assessments

Test will be given after every math topic. Some topics may be combined due to some topics being only a few lessons. Test will be posted on homework sheets and online. There will be a minimum of 6 grades.


10% Participation/Homework Category

In this category, students will receive a grade for Homework and Independent/Group Classwork. Homework will not be graded based on correct answers, but the effort the student puts forth.


Handwriting (Homeroom teachers teach their homeroom)

Satisfactory, Needs Improvement, Unsatisfactory

Students will be taught cursive and will be graded on their handwriting. There will be a minimum of 5 grades.

Keyboarding (Homeroom teachers teach their homeroom)

Students will complete keyboarding lessons in class using their laptops. Learning how to use the keyboard correctly helps students to effectively type on the computer when answering questions, typing responses, etc.

Makeup work

If a student is absent, the student is responsible for seeing the teacher for the work he/she missed.  Make-up work will be located in the pocket chart on the wall labeled, “What Did I Miss”. The student will go to the day(s) he/she missed and get his/her work. Test will be kept with the teacher for the student to makeup.  It is the student’s responsibility to make sure he/she has all missed assignments.  Make-up work must be completed within three days of returning to class. Regular attendance is encouraged.


Class Folders

Students are to keep their folders organized with the right class materials in each folder. 

Green- Communication Folder (all notes from school and/or teachers will go in this folder)

Red- Test folder

Blue- Social Studies

Orange- Science

Yellow- ELA

Purple- Math 


Weekly Test Folders (Red Folders)

Test papers will be sent home every Wednesday for parents to sign and review. If this changes, the student will be notified, and a Dojo message will be sent.

Grades will be updated in jCampus weekly. Please ensure you have received your parental password information in order to view grades. Notify your teacher if you do not have computer access..

Classroom Rules

Rules are necessary to maintain an orderly classroom.  I expect students to follow the PBIS expectations. 


Be Responsible

Be Respectful

Be Cooperative


  1. Follow teacher’s directions.
  2. Raise your hand for permission to speak.
  3. Stay in your assigned seat or area.
  4. Keep hands, feet, objects, and unkind comments to self.


Computer Rules

Students will be assigned their own laptops this year. Students are only allowed to use their laptop and not another students. Students will treat their computers with respect and care. Students will take care of all computer equipment including their headphones. Students will follow directions and only visit sites that are assigned to use in class. While working on the computer, students will remain quiet and complete independent work.