Course Syllabus


Welcome to Fourth Grade!


The following information explains policies and procedures that will be utilized this school year.  This document is intended to make the Fourth Grade experience a pleasant one.




  • Students will be instructed in English Language Arts using Common Core State Standards, implemented by the Louisiana Department of Education. Our current curriculum is Guidebooks 2.0. 
  • This year students will change classes for all subjects.


        ELA- Mrs. Fulton                  Math- Mrs. Chiasson

        Science- Ms. Rome               Social Studies- Mrs. Fleming


  • Please discuss the importance of organization and responsibility with your child.Possession of these traits will ensure a smooth transition to switching classes.
  • If your child is absent, please make an effort to have a friend, neighbor, or relative gather his/her missed work.


Homework is an integral part of the learning process.   Students will be given a homework packet on Monday. It can be found in their yellow, ELA folder, and will contain an assignment chart, study guides, and activity sheets for the entire week. Students are expected to complete the homework assignments and return them to school the following day unless otherwise stated by the teacher. Points will be given for completion.  Tests in ELA may be given once a week.  The homework chart will inform you of upcoming tests, quizzes, and projects.



- 90% tests (6 grades minimum)     

- 10% homework & participation (includes spelling tests)



  • The following grading scale will be used for tests and other assignments this school year:


    100% -93%   A

    92% -  85%   B

    84% -  75%   C

    74% -  67%   D

    66% -  0%     F


    Test papers will be sent home every Wednesday unless uncontrollable circumstances occur.  Please review the papers with your child, sign, and return to school no later than Friday.  If the folder is not returned with a parent/guardian’s signature, a new set of papers will not be issued until the previous set has been returned.  This is an ideal way for you to keep up with your child’s academic progress. 




    Our school discipline plan is based on the Positive Behavior Intervention System (PBIS).  Your child will be expected to follow the three B's:  Be Respectful, Be Responsible, and Be Cooperative. Students who exhibit appropriate behavior in and outside the classroom will be rewarded.   


      Phone calls and/or behavior reports may be issued for those students who choose to exhibit inappropriate behaviors.  A student’s inappropriate behavior will be documented on a classroom behavior chart.


    Expected Behaviors:


    1. Follow teacher’s directions.

    2. Raise your hand to talk.

    3. Stay in your assigned seat or area.

    4. Keep hands, feet, objects, and unkind comments to self.





    1.  Green ----> Great Day! (Begin each day with this) = 2 miles

    2.  Yellow ----> Warning = 1 mile

    3.  Blue ----> NO mile

    4. Orange---> One intervention: Student conference, Re-teaching,

    Seating change, Loss of privilege, In-class time-out, or Buddy teacher & Parental Contact

      (Section 1- Minor Infraction Referral Form)

     5. Red ---->Administrative Conference

              (Section II – Minor Infraction Referral Form)

            **Rule Violation once on Red Card = Office Referral; BAS (in-school detention)



  • [email protected]
  • ClassDoJo
  • 225-258-4800 (Planning: 9:30-10:30 daily)
  • Class Webpage-